Category Archives: Apache Cordova

How to connect Android or iPhone via WiFi to adb + Xcode

Developing mobile apps using Apache Cordova or any other platform involves constantly deploying your app to real devices. This process can become tedious because the phone or tablet must be connected via USB cable to your computer. However, you can connect your device via WiFi and deploy and debug your app normally following these steps.

WiFi Android iPhone Apple Phonegap

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Using Android 8, 9 and 10 emulators without Android Studio

Despite Google’s efforts to deprecate the Android SDK Manager standalone GUI in an attempt to force the installation of Android Studio, you can still run any Android emulator without Android Studio using the updated SDK Manager tools. This process involves installing the SDK tools 24 and then updating them to version 28.

Android logo cordova apps

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Closing InAppBrowser window in Cordova by itself

Methods to auto-close an opened InAppBrowser window in Cordova, based on an action performed inside the browser window itself. These methods involve using an event listener for either the loadstart or message events. You can also use this message event to communicate directly from the IAB to the Cordova WebView, to perform other actions.

Apache Cordova logo phonegap

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